View Full Version : 1956 chevy wire caps

12-03-2020, 02:14 PM
hello again does anyone know if a 56 Chevy belair wire hub cap fit my 55 Chevy belair convertible. would I have install beauty trim rings, also would anyone have a picture of a completed wire cap set up thanks again...

12-03-2020, 05:49 PM
Here are the parts making up the wire wheel cover for 1956...

And here is what it looks like when installed on a wheel...


A search online will show you the accessory '55 wire wheel covers.

https://www.google.com/search?q=1955+Chevrolet+wire+wheel+covers&rlz=1C1EODB_enUS531US531&sxsrf=ALeKk02pMUdvvYHXpaXYmUlRZuTKRDuOog:160704619 3582&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=8JfoHJAMjZcEEM%252CShMmaqfZcl-4_M%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kS56mzFDLnYDjpAQxn4VkGBKnUZww&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiL4oXMmbPtAhWpp1kKHVB_A3oQ9QF6BAgUEAE&biw=1106&bih=601#imgrc=hMk8XkWFCHT0ZM&imgdii=zQDBgzQzJC4dnM

06-21-2021, 09:17 AM
I received some photos of his '55 convertible today from Lou (Roadster601) so I will post them here for all to enjoy his '55 Convertible! He tells me these photos were made when he had the car out to attend a car show this past weekend, so maybe he will follow up this post with some information about the show, where it was, attendees, and how he did?
Lou ??
And I'm curious about how he attached the wire wheels? Did the clips I recommended work? or not? If not, what did you use?


carls 56 (RIP 11/24/2021)
06-21-2021, 12:53 PM
one good looking 55.

06-27-2021, 09:24 AM
thank you

06-27-2021, 09:25 AM
my next quest is mount a wire wheel cap to the fifth wheel in back...

06-27-2021, 09:26 AM
thanks gary

06-27-2021, 09:31 AM
hello I used the clips that came with the wire wheels worked great.

07-02-2021, 06:33 PM
hello all for all your input, it can be done but lots of cash and time to do this, problem is the spokes and ridgity of the cap wont be there when its cut to fit on the rim so I'm done, unless someone has a 56 hub cap ready to go on, I'm sure no-one has done this so I'm done as I said before thank you to all who tried ...