View Full Version : Griffin rads...

Old Buzzard
06-30-2022, 07:46 AM
Suggest you look elsewhere for your new radiator.
Griffin has now been entered on my "no fly list".
Here's my sad tale of what I got for $400.
This pos is way out of flat. At least 1/2" of twist. So bad it can't be mounted on the core support.
Called them up.
First reply: "Send it to Summit and they'll give you a new one".
2nd: "You modified it with brackets, no warranty". That brought more about the box, the shipping caused it, bs.
3rd: "Since we won't warranty it, it makes no difference what the cause is. You can try to straighten it or buy another one".
How would you suggest doing that? A leading question! https://www.trifivechevys.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
4th: "You can lay it on a flat surface and bend it".
Sounds like this isn't your first complaint.... Crickets.
Watch the Chevy boards... you are going to be "famous"��
I've been made aware that this problem is widespread.
This is the last of their junk that we'll buy, that's for sure.
Should have shelled out the real bucks....

07-01-2022, 04:11 AM
I hate when people get treated like that.
As far as radiators go, a friend introduced me to Champion radiators some years back. I have them in my 66 Chevelle and my 56 210. My son-in-law has one in his 67 Chevelle wagon. Another friend who has a shop has become a dealer for them.
I can't afford some of these high priced systems I see advertised.
Champion radiators are reasonably priced, and just work well.

Old Buzzard
07-01-2022, 02:10 PM
^^ Yep.
I decided I'd either straighten it out or wad it up.
Got it straight and am going to use it.
Next time, if there is one, it'll be someone else.