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Maybe I'm being dense, but I need more information:
1) Are you looking to display GPS position inside your car?
2) Are you wanting the vehicle to transmit GPS data of it's position to your phone or ?? (in case it gets 'borrowed' sometime?)...
3) Does your question have nothing to do with cars and you want exactly what you said a 'GPS tracking device'??? which seems incomplete to me...?
I should have explained better.
I am looking at possibly putting a GPS tracking device out of view so that if the vehicle was stolen I can locate it
Preference to hard wired and not battery operated as I don't want to have to replace batteries every 2-3 months during the summer months nor do I want a battery going flat and killing the GPS while in storage for the winter.
Basically if the car moves I want to know where it is
A friend had one on his Buick.
It, the truck, trailer, and tools disappeared.
He "found it" without the cops being involved.
The perp had co-pays at the ER and dentist office.
Injector inspector
Walmart hottie stalker.
USAF 60-64.
The guys that brought you the Cuban missile crisis in living color!