Not sure if anyone here might be interested, but, I have an extensive collection of Hallmark "Kiddie Car Classics"... these are small metal replicas of different peddle cars. I personally bought all of them new, and a few were displayed, most were just kept in their original boxes. All of them are now packed in their original packaging/boxes.
Really don't have a place now to display them, and I am looking to sell the entire lot. Some are very special editions, some are not. I have probably 25 or more of them.
I can sell individually, or as a large collection. I also have a NIB puzzle, and nice poster... along with some original and very rare store display placards.
Just let me know.
Really don't have a place now to display them, and I am looking to sell the entire lot. Some are very special editions, some are not. I have probably 25 or more of them.
I can sell individually, or as a large collection. I also have a NIB puzzle, and nice poster... along with some original and very rare store display placards.
Just let me know.